
At InnoGames we believe that player feedback is an important aspect of game development as it provides direct insights into the preferences and experiences of our players. By incorporating feedback, we can create games that are more enjoyable and engaging, ensuring that the content resonates with our community. This collaborative approach helps us in identifying areas for improvement and fosters a sense of connection between players and developers. In Elvenar this commitment is exemplified in our latest initiative: the Dwarven event coming this August.

Empowering Players Through Surveys

In this initiative, we’ve invited you, the players, to a survey to decide which productions the new Dwarven building should feature. Instead of merely presenting you with our ideas, we want to understand what you truly desire. This approach not only aligns the game more closely with your preferences but also makes you an integral part of the development team.

This isn’t the first time we’ve sought your input. A few months ago, we conducted a survey where you chose the theme for the Zodiac event. Players were thrilled to have a direct influence on the game’s content, and the Zodiac event was a testament to what we can achieve when we work together. The enthusiasm and engagement we received for both surveys were astounding, resulting in a total of around 35.000 votes!

Improving together

After the the Zodiac event survey concluded we received some insightful feedback about the survey itself. Many of you expressed a desire to have a bigger impact on the game, not just in choosing visual themes but in shaping the core mechanics, such as bonuses and productions. We heard you loud and clear. That’s why the recent Dwarven event survey focused on these critical aspects, giving you a more substantial role in determining in-game functionalities.

Looking Ahead

Although the Dwarven event survey has already concluded we will remain committed to involving you as we continue to develop new content and events. Your feedback is our guiding star. Future initiatives will further explore how we can integrate your ideas and preferences into the game. Whether it’s through more detailed surveys or new forms of player engagement, we want you to feel that your input has a meaningful impact.

In conclusion, we thank you for your ongoing participation and support. Together, we can make Elvenar not only enjoyable but truly reflective of our vibrant community.
And if you haven’t played Elvenar before you can try it now on both browser and mobile!
Until then keep an eye out for the results of the Dwarven event survey that will be released on May 27, and rest assured that your voice will continue to shape the adventures we embark on together.

Stay tuned, stay engaged, and let’s create something amazing!