Welcome to the captivating world of Ancient Persia in Rise of Cultures! This special event, narrated by the enchanting Sheherazade, will immerse you in the tales and treasures of ancient Arabia and Persia. Here’s your comprehensive guide to navigating the event and maximizing your rewards.

Getting Started

Start your journey by opening the quest window, where you’ll find the special event questline. Sheherazade will captivate you with over 100 quests, with 24 available right away and four more unlocking each day. Completing these quests will earn you Ewers, the event’s special currency. You can also collect Ewers for free daily just by logging in, as well as if you keep an eye out for incidents hidden around the city.

Using Your Ewers

To use your Ewers, tap the event icon and access the event window. Here, you’ll see a map of Ancient Persia, and your mission is to supply the caravan with enough water for their journey. Allocate your Ewers to the caravan to help it progress one, two, or three steps. You can view potential rewards by tapping the ‘info’ icon next to each option. If you have plenty of Ewers, you can donate five times with a single tap for quicker progression.

Unlocking Grand Prizes

Hit the button in the corner to open the Grand Prize window and see all the rewards you can potentially earn. The first reward is available right from the start, and every 15 steps the caravan completes unlocks the next Grand Prize. Prizes in the bottom lane are accessible as soon as you reach them, while the upper lane prizes require the Event Pass Gold Ticket. If you purchase the Gold Ticket later in the event, you’ll receive all previously passed milestones retroactively.

Persian Event Evo Building Selection Kit

Throughout the event, you’ll earn Persian Event Evo Building Selection Kits. These kits allow you to construct or upgrade two key buildings: the Persian Palace or the Mosaic Bath. Use the Selection Kit to choose your building and place it in your city, or upgrade an existing one. Collect as many Selection Kits as possible, open them to get Evolution Tokens, and apply them to increase your buildings’ output permanently. You can enhance both Persian Evolving Buildings if you gather enough Evolution Tokens.

Daily Special Rewards

Each day, you have a chance to receive a Daily Special Reward. This reward can be found in gifts from the caravan, with varying chances of success. You can win the Daily Special multiple times a day. To mitigate bad luck, if you repeatedly receive rewards other than the Daily Special, your chances of obtaining it will eventually increase to 100% for a single draw. Tap the ‘info’ icon next to the Daily Special in the event window to see more details.

Event Ranking and Leagues

Every step in the caravan’s journey contributes to your rise in the Event Ranking. The ranking is split into five leagues, with your position depending on the number of steps completed by the caravan. As more players progress, the requirements for each league increase, so stay competitive, especially towards the end of the event! You’ll receive rewards based on your league position when the event concludes.

Check Our Video!

We hope you enjoy this exciting event in Rise of Cultures! If you want to have a visual tour of the Persian Event, make sure to check our explanation video! Last but not least, check our website and join our Discord server and social media accounts to be in touch with everything Rise Of Cultures! Keep on RoC’ing!


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